Monday, 1 March 2010

The Mix Tape Challenge!

Growing up did you have your records, cassettes and CDs stored, stacked and listed in an ever so slightly OCD fashion? Did you take time to ensure that whenever removed they were safely returned to their EXACT allocated spot on the shelf? Yeah? .... I didn't.

My music collection, my pride and joy was organised and reorganised on a weekly basis by subject matter and the feelings each album evoked. Mix tapes were my specialty, my hobby and my love! This has never changed although I now tend to embrace itunes or spotify for making my 'mix tape' madness.

The ever so lovely Melanie over at Feminine Wiles & Urban Survival 101 is also an avid mix tape maker and lover of projects, which gave me the idea that we could have fun with a mix tape project.

The rules:
  • We take it in turns to choose a subject
  • We give ourselves a deadline
  • We upload 10 tracks to an online playlist and have a listening session
Sharing and comparing our lists is both great fun and a great way to discover new music.

Sadness was our first theme. Simple and close to dull but we both had our own take on it. Mine was "The Mean Reds at Midnight" and can be found here.

Melanie had a truly gorgeous play list based on 'The Sad and the Beautiful". Have a listen!

Next Theme - The First Song You Want to Hear in the Morning